Starting the Last Quarter

The adventure begins… Why this blog... I find one of the best ways for me to make sense of the changes in my life is to write about them. In this blog, I hope to take you through what is happening from today...August 6, 2017 until November 1 when we will be moved to a new home in Ajijic Mexico. A person only has one life to live and I am anxious to make the best of what will happen in the last quarter. The first 75 years (now starting the 76 th ) have been a thrill beyond my wildest dreams. Of course there were the usual “ups and downs” but amazingly truly more UPS! I can smile when I think of our four children and their successes in life, families, and our four wonderful grandchildren Three of us, Angie and our friend Trish are exploring the idea of moving to the Lake Chapala area of Mexico. How about that for an adventure!!! Trish is a dear friend who will need to have some support because of serious vision problems. Ajijic is a tow...