Some Random Acts of Kindness…

More observations from Ajijic… This is the view from our Mirador a platform on the roof of our house. The Mexican community here in Ajijic continues to amaze me with their kindness. Everyone you meet on the street will greet you with Buenos Dias, or Bien Dia with a smile on their face. While in a mall where there were stairs, Trish was having a bit of difficulty descending and a young man offered his arm for support. While we were waiting for our transportation, a young girl from a shop selling kitchen ware, invited her to a small table to sit and rest for a while, then brought over a small container of cookies and opened it and gave her one….not wanting money, just showing concern. The best example so far, was during a parade, when we were looking for a Thai restaurant and were having trouble finding it. A pick-up Police vehicle stopped and asked if we needed assistance. They told us where the restaurant was, and then to our astonishment...