September blog

September Blog

I lived in the Midwest, in Arkansas and in Phoenix, but I can say, summer is different in Ajijic from any of those places.  In summer we get most of our rain for the year.  Starting in June, the Catholic faithful gather for a celebration to bring on the rain and apparently it works.  We have had nearly 30+ inches in the past three months.  Days are dry but late in the afternoon, beautiful thunderheads begin to form on the mountains. Dark clouds seem to threaten and looking at the weather forecast on the phone it usually says 80% chance of rain from about 11 pm til 3 am.  We have learned this is just an estimate to make the weather watchers happy.  Sometimes the rain does not get over the mountains, but when it does we have some of the most beautiful lightning and glorious rolling thunder one could imagine.  In the morning we usually have cloudy cool days and a repeat performance the next day.  It may have touched 80 degrees a few times but still remains t-shirt weather for me.

I know this is about to end and from now on, the days will be sunny the rest of the year still ranging from 50 for the low to 85 at the highest.  I did venture to Phoenix for a week in August…what was I thinking??? 110+ every day.  Ahh but there is air conditioning everywhere, family and grandkids to make it survivable.

Since my last writing, we were forced to find a new place since the owner of our beautiful home decided to put it on the market.  We were extremely fortunate when a friend in El Dorado told us about a place about a mile away with a person who had a home for lease.  We quickly became sold on the new place and have been in here for about a month….love it. 

We recently took a short return trip to Telacapaque and really enjoy the area.  Little upscale from Ajijic, sand upscale in prices as well.  Picked up a few things to make our new house our home.  Still busy in classes, exercise, and cooking.  This month the CASA Culinary Arts Society of Ajijic had a theme of Mexican food and dessert.  Yours truly must brag receiving 1st place in the dessert category with my Mini Meican Chocolate Cheesecakes. 

The 16th of Septembre is the independence day in Mexico.  Lots of parades, decorations, and more.  A real treat. 


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