Just getting better...

Seems hard to believe we are headed into our third week in Ajijic.  We have learned so much and had so many new adventures it boggles the mind.  Our morning begins with...what else, COFFEE.  We have a little here but then walk down hill to a coffee shop.  The girls like the coffee at a Scandinavian bakery, but I usually go to a nearby place called Black Coffee, get mine and then take it to  join them at an outside table and begin planning our day.  
Uber is getting much better after only a month in operation here.  We take it everywhere and you can go for about a dollar and change.  Many drivers do not speak much English so I have mastered a few phrases to let them know where we want to go. We have several specific drivers we can call and set up a schedule so they will automatically come and pick us up.

On Wednesday we went to the market and it is such a pleasure.  We did not need much produce this week because of our Friday adventure which I will cover later, but here are some pictures to give you a flavor of the "Tiende"  There are multiple food stalls serving everything from tacos to pizza.  You can see a girl squeezing fresh fruit juice of all kinds.  Baskets, trinkets, clothing, jewelry and more are available.  The market is about two to three blocks long and is now a regular on our calendar.
Food stalls sell everything fresh
Hand woven baskets and pottery
Feeding frenzy at the produce tables
Here you can get fresh squeezed juice.

On Wednesday we also went to our first Movie in Mexico.  It was an English speaking movie, "Murder on the Orient Express" and for the prohibitive price of $2.00 each we watched a great movie  in a six screen comfortable clean theater.  If you get a chance to see it.......go.

Also this week, Trish needed to have some dental work done that she had scheduled in Florida, but her appointment was after we were on our way.  We got a recommendation for a great dentist close to us.  Trish made an appointment for the next day and when she went, the office was equipped better than her US dentist and the work was extremely professional.  She needed to have a cleaning and a filling replaced.  All done in about an hour and the cost was less than her co-pay in the US. 

Today, We are going to Guadalajara for the first time with a local Chef to the Abostos market.  This market is GINORMAS.....to say the least. Fifteen square blocks that feeds the central part of Mexico.  Huge semis by the dozens roll in 24 hours a day 365 days a year and deliver food that then goes to markets, big and small around Mexico.  It was truly overwhelming but our guide AbueLinda who teaches classes here in Ajijic, knew her way around.  What a great experience and we came home with bags of goodies for the next week.  Beautiful shrimp, vegetables, and more.  Here are some pictures that do not do justice to the size of this market.

Need an entire cow...get it here
Each store stuffed to the rafters

Chickens are yellow because the have been fed sunflowers
Semis come and go 24 hours a day

Beautiful fruit fresh from the farms of Mexico
A lesson on new fruit from Abuelinda


  1. You are wonderful to keep us Gringos informed on a personal level. I did notice that Apples, pears, plums, strawberries and grapes had 'product of USA' or the State such as Washington Apples. I remember the yellow skin on the chicken, thanks for informing me it is from the sunflower they feed them. I have to admit that animal carcasses on a counter are a turn off for me even though it is natural around the world. I have found that when I want to meet people I enjoy going to a coffee shop in the morning as you are doing. I'm sure you will get a real 'head start' on becoming familiar with the area, doctors, dentists, shopping, movies (was the Orient Express subtitled in English or Spanish?), from the other expats. How about any other forms os entertainment? If you wanted to go to other cities in Mexico or Central America what are your travel options?
    Do you find that it is easier and very inexpensive to just go out to eat or will you be cooking at home more once you get into a routine? Keep up the Blog!!


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